Monday, December 30, 2019

Online Education Will Help Benefit Student s Intellectual...

Use from time to time that the world of technologies will advance so much that we can learn course through this area. Online education will change the effect of time itself. This will lead to start of benefit of how the world will transfer in another one hundred years. â€Å"On that point are increasing opportunities for scholars to earn high school credits online over the Internet without attending a regular school. Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of this practice?(Sandra. M) II. Online education will help benefit student’s intellectual skills. This will improve are grades, students can work on their own time, and their less percentage of failures. (GSEI) stated that this will financing higher education, and then changing their educational skills forever. In particular, Technologies will salutary the future as we know it by starting for educational skill purpose. This grant will make life assuage. With the world of online education, people will work to advance the curriculum and pass even beyond it. Students will allow to take classes online. Therefore, this allows them to be sovereign in their oeuvre. â€Å"The idea has been growing that universities will change dramatically, .Online education increasingly enabled by improvements in broadband Internet access and new mobile devices. ...Advances in the science of learning that are enabling society and researchers to look at the new education approaches...† (William). William announced that the idea of onlineShow MoreRelatedAre Video Games Effective?1043 Words   |  5 Pagesand is a new way of learning which the students benefit from. Jordan Shapiro did research and found out that in 2013, 74% of schools (K-8), where already using digital games in class and that many kids wer e thriving when using them. Many people think video games distract kids from learning, but that could not be further from the truth. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Glossary Concept Quiz Glossary Quiz - 812 Words

Ali DeLine Ortiz Edu 201 February 1, 2016 Glossary Concept Quiz Chapter One: 1. Assessment-context that is defined clearly to learners and shows the assessors what the learners understands. 1. 2.Criterion-referenced test- discovering what a learner knows about addition tow digit numbers without regrouping the numbers. 2. Norm-referenced assessment- determination of how much a student knows compared to the other students. 3. Formative assessment-Teachers that collect evidence about what a student still needs to comprehend and adaptions that are made to meet the student’s needs. 4. Summative assessment- uncovering a students knowledge and is able to present that knowledge at a certain period of time. 5. 6.Reliability- material that is consistent and is repeated across many administrations. 6. Validity- clear evidence that is related to what is being taught and what is being assessed. Chapter Two: 1. 1-Developmental learning theories- change of development of oneself over a period of time, from birth to adulthood. 2. 2-Mastery goal orientation- desire to learn new skill for the sake of learning. 3. 3-performance goal orientation-the learners inclination to demonstrate a new skill and compare their results to others. 4. 4-Self-efficacy- desired outcome based of one’s feeling. 5. 5-Social learning theories- the interaction between the learners and the social environment around them. 6. 6- Testing- evaluating students skills and knowledge by their performance of aShow MoreRelatedDoc, Docx, Pdf, Wps, Rtf, Odt683 Words   |  3 Pages ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Bottom of Form * * * ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form SignUp|Loginor use Bottom of Form * Home * Articles * Docs * Concepts * BrandGuide * Colleges * Forum * Careers * FunCorner * Quizzes * You are here:  Ã‚   Home BrandGuide FMCG Lifebuoy Lifebuoy lt; Lever Ayush.. |    | Liril 2000.. gt; | Lifebuoy | Parent Company | HUL | Category | Personal Care –Read MoreEntrance Essay1222 Words   |  5 Pagesaddition, review the summary and glossary at the end of each chapter in the textbook. 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I excel, according to the website, with essays and teachers who use words well and have lots of information in sentencesRead MoreCase Study : Inquiry Investigation Lesson Plan Essay1784 Words   |  8 Pagesin science. Laws are statements or descriptions of the relationships among observable phenomena. Disciplinary Core Ideas: PS2.A: Forces and Motion Newton’s second law accurately predicts changes in the motion of macroscopic objects. Crosscutting Concepts: Cause and Effect Empirical evidence is required to differentiate between cause and correlation and make claims about specific causes and effects. Common Core Science Standards: ELA-Literacy.RST.9-10.7 Translate quantitative or technical informationRead MoreEssay about Csia 301 - Syllabus4668 Words   |  19 Pagesintroductory course, it requires the prior completion of CMIS 102, a course in problem solving and algorithm design. In this course, we will cover a broad range of subjects that form the basis of computer system security studies. We will define the concepts of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. In addition, we will explore basic security models, mandatory access control (MAC), discretionary access control (DAC), trusted operating systems, and secure network design. We will present an overviewRead MoreAcct 3708 Lecture Pdf1701 Words   |  7 Pageschanged since last year. – Standards can also be downloaded from the AUASB website at Review Course Requirements †¢ Assessment – p.6 – Three class quizzes – 24% †¢ To be held in your tutorials in weeks 5, 8 and 11 †¢ Each quiz to be worth 8% of the final grade – Assignment – 20% – due in week 11 †¢ To be completed in groups of four students. †¢ Students will be assigned to groups by their tutor. Groups will be formed in the tutorial in Week 5 †¢ The assignment is inRead More Overview of Testing and Assessment Essay2264 Words   |  10 Pageshaving a better experience when completing the various tasks. Even in this current ISTC course, online testing has been utilized. With concepts such as web-based questionnaires, interactive videos and games, â€Å"hands-on† websites that pose questions, possibilities for new and exciting alternatives and advancements are endless. There are even interactive videos that quiz and test students. With an ever-expanding field of information technology, classrooms will hopefully be adjusting to the new availabilitiesRead MoreImportant of English Language4703 Words   |  19 Pagesnote-taking system, which involves writing grouping your notes around keywords that you can quiz yourself on later by covering the notes and trying to remember what you wrote based on seeing only the keyword.[3] †¢ 9 If your textbook has a vocabulary section, a glossary, or a list of terms, make sure that you understand these completely. You dont have to memorize them, but whenever there is an important concept in a particular field, there is usually a special term to refer to it. 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This concept is similar to common sense idea of forgetting. Pavlov found that when he sounded the tone repeatedly without presenting food, the dog’s salivation also decreased. After the conditioning phase, the conditioned response (CR) gets weaker when the conditioned

Friday, December 13, 2019

Poverty in Ghana Free Essays

In recent years, Ghana has emerged as a leading country in the Western and Central Africa region. It has developed its economy on a scale that could enable it to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) before the 2015 deadline. It also managed a smooth and peaceful political transition in 2008 and 2009, and has created a political and policy environment conducive to economic and social progress and poverty reduction. We will write a custom essay sample on Poverty in Ghana or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Ghanaian economy has grown at an average annual rate of 4. 8 per cent over the past two decades. By 2008 GDP growth had reached 7. per cent. The agriculture sector, which contributed 33. 5 per cent of GDP in 2008, remains the country’s major engine of economic growth. Rapid economic progress has all but halved national poverty rates, which have fallen from approximately 50 per cent in 1991 to 28. 5 per cent in 2006. In the last decade, poverty rates dropped by 8. 6 per cent in urban areas and by 10. 4 per cent in rural ones. Ghana’s growth and poverty reduction rates are probably the best that have been achieved throughout sub-Saharan Africa in the past 15 years. Where are Ghana’s rural poor people? Although there has been a substantial overall decline in the incidence of poverty in Ghana, poverty still has a firm grip on rural areas, especially in the north. There is a wide disparity in income between people living in the drought-prone northern plains, and those living in the south, where there are two growing seasons and greater economic opportunities. Who are Ghana’s rural poor people? Just over half the country’s population lives in rural areas. The poorest parts of Ghana are the savannah regions of the north (the Northern, Upper East and Upper West regions), where chronic food insecurity is widespread and livelihoods are more vulnerable. Poor rural people have limited access to basic social services, safe water, roads that are accessible year round, and electricity and telephone services. Poverty is most severe among food crop farmers, who are mainly traditional small-scale producers. About six in ten small-scale farmers are poor, and many are women. Women bear heavy workloads. In addition to their domestic chores, they are responsible for about 60 per cent of agricultural production. More than half the women who head households in rural areas are among the poorest 20 per cent of the population. Why are Ghana’s rural people poor? According to the Government’s poverty reduction strategy paper, low productivity and poorly functioning markets for agricultural outputs are among the main causes of rural poverty. Small-scale farmers lack the technologies and inputs, such as fertilizer and improved seed, that would increase yields. Population pressure leads to shorter fallow periods or even continuous cultivation in the densely inhabited Upper East and Upper West regions, causing soil erosion and loss of fertility. Land degradation poses a long-term threat to farmers’ livelihoods and incomes. Only a small proportion of farmers have access to irrigation. Land ownership and land security are regulated by complex systems that vary widely. Many farmers lack rural infrastructure and equipment for storing, processing and marketing their products. In order to overcome their vulnerability and food insecurity, poor rural populations need help in sustainably increasing their incomes. Good opportunities exist to link farmers to markets and to modernize agriculture. The rural private sector could play an important role in making farming a profitable business through access to financial services, farm inputs and linkages to agroprocessors and traders. www. cfr. org Ghana is rich in natural resources and has one of the strongest emerging economies in Africa. The capital city, Accra, is one of the wealthiest and most modern cities on the continent, and is experiencing a period of rapid growth. Ghana is rapidly urbanizing. Despite this, most of Ghana’s poor live in rural areas without basic services such as health care and clean water. Small-scale farmers, who are affected most by rural poverty in Ghana, depend on outdated farming tools and lack access to improved seeds and fertilizers to increase crop yields. Our Work The Hunger Project has been working in Ghana since 1995 and is empowering partners in 49 epicenter communities to end their own hunger and poverty. Through its integrated approach to rural development, the Epicenter Strategy, The Hunger Project is working with partners to successfully access the basic services needed to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and lead lives of self-reliance. Scaling-Up the Epicenter Strategy Ghana is the first country in which The Hunger Project is scaling up its Epicenter Strategy to provide coverage to a set geographical area and reach significantly more people. In July 2006, The Hunger Project received a US$5 million investment to scale-up Hunger Project work in the Eastern Region of Ghana. By the end of the five-year commitment, The Hunger Project-Ghana aims to have mobilized enough epicenter communities so that each villager in the Eastern Region is within walking distance to an epicenter building. By the end of the second year of its scale-up program, The Hunger Project-Ghana had successfully completed construction of 12 epicenters. Scaling-up has presented a number of challenges to The Hunger Project-Ghana, such as acquisition of land and the mobilization of construction materials. Our staff, however, is equipped with the training and skills to continue to mobilize partners to end their own hunger in the Eastern Region. Empowering Women The Hunger Project-Ghana has pioneered the Women’s Empowerment Program (WEP), which empowers women to become strong leaders in their households and communities. The WEP is a series of workshops that focus on legal, civic and reproductive health rights as well as leadership skills for selected women. The trained women, also known as â€Å"animators,† then carry out community-based educational activities using drama, mini-lectures and discussions. These animators are also trained to provide counseling and distribute non-prescriptive contraceptives. Microfinance Through its Microfinance Program in 2009, The Hunger Project disbursed 1,834 loans totaling $146,421. Partners in Ghana deposited $23,589 in savings during the year. Of the epicenters that are operating in Ghana, three have government-recognized Rural Banks and are self-reliant. How to cite Poverty in Ghana, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Sustainable HR Department-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Discuss about the Human Resource Management. Answer: Introduction The report talks about a hospital organization which does not consist dedicated and committed HR department. Therefore all the activities of HR department such as recruitment, selection, performance appraisal are carried and derived by the CEO and other senior managers of the organization. In this way, CEO and other managers faced many difficulties and problems in the organization. In the given case study, the CEO and managers do not be able to perform the HR task very effectively because they do not have enough knowledge about the HR practices and strategies. On the other side, the report presents a brief overview of the similar hospital which operates the business very effective way. This hospital maintains a sustainable HR department to carry all the functions of a human resource such as recruitment, selection, performance appraisal and training and development. The report explains that how the first hospital improves the operations of the human resource department at the hospital. It also explains that how it develops and builds sustainable HR capability in the organization. It evaluates the HR practices and strategies which are used by the every organization. Importance of human resource management The terms human resource management may be defined as formal systems which divided the employees with an organization for the effective management. In such way, human resource management is a distinct process which includes all the functions and activities of a human resource such as recruitment, selection, performance appraisal, compensation, training, and development. It helps to build favorable relations between employers and employees and human resource management also provides a good working environment to employees for doing work effectively. In such way, it seems that human resource management plays a crucial role in an organization (Boselie, 2010). Human resource management appoints employees for the organization and it provides training to them. Therefore, the HR department brings potential and competence employees in an organization. The human resource department maintains discipline and decorum in the organization. In such way, the HR department helps to increase the productivity of the organization and it also improves the efficiency of employees for achieving organizational goals and objectives (Ehnert, 2009). Suggestions and recommendations to develop the HRM In the given case study, many key challenges and difficulties are faced by the first hospital due to inappropriate HR department. In the given case, HR functions are operated and managed by the CEO and finance managers of the company. To resolve these challenges, CEO and finance manager should make plans and procedures for the employees. All these plans, policies and procedures should be implemented in writing. If the person does not follow these plans and procedures then action should be taken by the CEO and senior managers. The organization should make strategies for training and development of employees and it should also make policies to maintain discipline in the organization. In such way, the company can maintain a safe and favorable working environment for doing work (Guest, 2011). In the first case study, CEO and other managers faced many problems related to staff shortage, absenteeism, and staff grievances and employees turnover. So the company must make strict rules and policies for the employees. In this way, employee turnover, staff shortage, and absenteeism can be controlled and managed by the organization. The company should appoint a person or a committee who can handle the grievances and disputes of employees. The top management should also monitor the activities of the employees. The company should build a sustainable human resource management for the employees. CEO and other managers should provide the training and development to new employees (Storey, 2014). It should also provide the cross culture training and development to employees. The organization must make strategies and techniques for motivation. It will encourage employees for doing work and it will motivate the employees. CEO and managers should improve the working conditions and managerial skills of people. In this way, the company can retain the workers for doing work. If the employees are giving excellent performance then the company should provide rewards and incentives to these employees. It will enhance the morale of the employees and will provide satisfaction to them. The managers should also promote the teamwork and team collaboration in the organization. In such way, CEO and senior managers can improve and develop the human resource management in the hospital organization and it also can render good services to the patients (Kompaso Sridevi, 2010). Key features to build and develop a sustainable HR capability Sustainable human resource management is an emerging, dynamic and long term oriented concept. Sustainability refers to the meeting the requirements and demands of the employees without compromising the capability of future generation to meet their needs and desires. It also includes the social, economic and environmental factors of the organization. Sustainable HRM plays a vital role in an organization to the achievement of goals and objectives (Bocken, Short, Rana Evans, 2014). The key strategies to build and develop a sustainable HR capability, they are discussed as below. Information and knowledge based strategy: The Company should develop the information and knowledge based strategy to build a sustainable HR capability in the organization. The strategy includes the internet and website related work (Motesharrei, Rivas Kalnay, 2014). Time-related strategy: It should focus on the time-based strategy and policy to develop the sustainable human resource management in an organization. This strategy includes the flexible time, full-time works, part time works and job sharing. Direct service approach and strategy: This strategy plays a vital role in the development of sustainable human resource capabilities in the company. It also includes the onsite health and beauty location, emergency backup care and onsite child care etc (Sparrow, Brewster Chung, 2016). Cultural change strategy: It is also an important strategy to build a sustainable HR capability in the organization. So the managers should provide cross cultural training to employees to understand the culture of the organization. This strategy also includes the good working conditions, maternity leaves, part time jobs and good relationship between HR and employees. Recruitment and selection strategy: The strategy plays a significant role in recruitment and selection process. The company should make an effective strategy for recruitment and selection (Dudley, 2008). Sustainable HR practices also include the training and development, performance appraisal, compensation and incentive strategy, motivation strategy and financial and non financial strategy. All these strategies should be implemented by the CEO and senior managers to build and develop a sustainable human resource management. Now it can be said that sustainable human resource management plays a significant role in every organization so every company should maintain an effective human resource department (Boselie, 2010). Conclusion Now it is concluded that each and every organization should maintain the sustainable human resource management. In the given case study, one organization does not maintain the dedicated HR department and another organization maintains a sustainable HR department. Therefore the first organization faced many key challenges and problems. So CEO and other senior managers need to improve and develop the human resource management. The organization should develop the strategies and HR practices to build a sustainable human resource management. In this way, the hospital organization can improve its management and operations. The report explains the strategies and policies of human resource management. References Bocken, N. M. P., Short, S. W., Rana, P., Evans, S. (2014). A literature and practice review to develop sustainable business model archetypes.Journal of cleaner production,65, 42-56. Boselie, P. (2010). High Performance Work Practices in the Health Care Sector: a Dutch Case Study. International Journal of Manpower, 31(1), 42-58. Boselie, P. (2010).Strategic human resource management: A balanced approach. Tata McGraw-Hill Education. Dudley, N. (Ed.). (2008).Guidelines for applying protected area management categories. IUCN. Ehnert, I. (2009). Sustainability and Human Resource Management: Reasoning and Applications on Corporate Websites. European Journal of International Management, 3(4), 419-438 Guest, D. E. (2011). Human Resource Management and Performance: Still Searching for Some Answers. Human Resource Management Journal, 21(1), 3-13. Kompaso, S. M., Sridevi, M. S. (2010). Employee engagement: The key to improving performance.International journal of business and management,5(12), 89. Motesharrei, S., Rivas, J., Kalnay, E. (2014). Human and nature dynamics (HANDY): Modeling inequality and use of resources in the collapse or sustainability of societies.Ecological Economics,101, 90-102. Sparrow, P., Brewster, C., Chung, C. (2016).Globalizing human resource management. Routledge. Storey, J. (2014).New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals). Routledge.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Laertes And Hamlet Both Display Impulsive Reactions When Essays

Laertes and Hamlet both display impulsive reactions when angered. Once Laertes discovers his father has been murdered Laertes immediately assumes the slayer is Claudius. As a result of Laertes's speculation he instinctively moves to avenge Polonius's death. \"To hell, allegiance! vows, to the blackest devil! Conscience and grace, to the profoundest pit! I dare damnation: to this point I stand, that both worlds I give to negligence, let come what comes; only I'll be revenged most thoroughly for my father.\" Act 4 Scene 5 lines 128-134 provide insight into Laertes's mind displaying his desire for revenge at any cost. In contrast to Laertes speculation of his father's killer, Hamlet presumes the individual spying on his conversation with Gertrude is Claudius(\"Nay, I know not: is it the King?\" Act 3, Scene 4 line 28). Consequently, Hamlet consumed with rage automatically thrusts out attempting to kill Claudius, but instead strikes Polonius. Hamlet's and Laertes's imprudent actions are incited by fury and frustration. Sudden anger prompts both Hamlet and Laertes to act spontaneously, giving little thought to the consequences of their actions. Hamlet and Laertes share a different but deep love and concern for Ophelia. Before his departure for France Laertes provides lengthy advice to Ophelia pertaining to her relationship with Hamlet. Laertes voices his concern of Hamlet's true intentions towards Ophelia and advices her to be wary of Hamlet's love. Laertes impresses upon Ophelia, Hamlet is a prince who most likely will have an arranged marriage. Hamlet's strong love for Ophelia withers after she rejects his affinity. Hamlet's extensive love for Ophelia resulted in grave suffering for Hamlet once his affection was rejected. Hamlet's appearance decays due to the rejection of his love for Ophelia(\"Pale as his shirt, his knees knocking each other\" Act 2, Scene 1, line 82). The loss of Ophelia's love for Hamlet instigates Polonius into believing it has caused Hamlet to revert to antic disposition. Once Laertes learns of the death of his sister he is afflicted with sadness. In the same way, Hamlet is shocked and enraged over Ophelia's demise. Both Hamlet and Laertes are so profoundly distressed at the death of Ophelia they jump into her grave and fight each other. Although Hamlet and Laertes despised one another, they both loved Ophelia. Hamlet was infatuated with Ophelia which was obvious during his constant anguish over her(in her rejection of Hamlet, and in her death Hamlet suffered greatly). Laertes shared a strong brotherly love for Ophelia which was evident in his advice to her. Laertes further displayed his love for Ophelia during her funeral were he fought with Hamlet. Hamlet and Laertes are similar in the way they associate with their families. Laertes highly respects and loves his father Polonius. Similarly, Hamlet holds a great respect for his dead father(Hamlet compares his father to a sun god \"Hyperion\"). After the death of their fathers, Hamlet and Laertes strive to seek revenge on the assassins. Hamlet and Laertes exhibit domineering attitudes towards females. Laertes gives his sister Ophelia guidance on her relationship with Hamlet. In the same way, Hamlet is able to persuade Gertrude he is not mad and manipulate her to follow his instructions. Hamlet directs his mother to convince Claudius of Hamlet's madness. Hamlet is able to make his mother reflect upon her part in the death of his father and feel guilt(\"Thou turn'st mine eyes into my very soul, and there I see such black and grained spots as will not leave their tinct.\" Act 3, Scene 4 lines 90-93). Furthermore, Hamlet instructs his mother not to sleep with Claudius. The fathers of Laertes and Hamlet both attempted to use spies to gain information on their sons(although not his real father Claudius was his uncle as well as step-father). Claudius employed Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to gather information on Hamlet. In comparison, Polonius dispatches Reynaldo to check up on Laertes. Hamlet and Laertes share similar aspects within their families. Hamlet and Laertes demonstrate rash behaviour when infuriated. Hamlet becomes outraged at the notion of Claudius spying on him which results in Hamlet mistakenly killing Polonius. Laertes becomes drastically angered at the death of his father and boldly seeks vengeance against Claudius. Momentary rage overcomes Laertes and Hamlet which prompts them to act spontaneously. Hamlet and Laertes both have a strong love for Ophelia. Hamlet's deep love for Ophelia is evident in his reaction to her rejection of him. In the same way, Laertes care and affection are revealed by his advice to his sister. The families of Laertes and Hamlet contain similar attributes. Hamlet and Laertes hold a high admiration for their fathers and are willing to even kill the

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Romeo And Juliet Fate Vs. Free Will

when the full impact of what he has just done and the consequences of his actions hit him. His secret marriage to Juliet of the Capulet family, his own families’ sworn enemy, had earlier prevented him from accepting the challenge of a fight made by Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin. Romeo’s friend Mercutio cannot stand by and watch Tybalt degrade Romeo, and so he takes up the sword, but is fatally wounded. When Romeo sees Mercutio dead he then fights Tybalt, he ends up killing him. It is when Tybalt falls dead that Romeo realizes what he has done. He also knows he will now be executed by the prince, who had said that there would be no more fights between the Capulets and Montagues. Romeo, for example, page 755, he says, â€Å"Some consequence yet hanging in the stars†¦by some vile forfeit of untimely death. But he that hath the steerage over my course Direct my sail.† He’s basically saying to his friends that he had a dream which leads him to believe th at he will die young because of something in the stars, something that will happen. He ends with â€Å"†¦he that hath steerage over my course†¦Ã¢â‚¬  which implies that he does not have control. Free will is the â€Å"philosophical doctrine† that our choices are, ultimately, "up to us". Consequently, an un-free action must be somehow "up to" something else. The phrase "up to us" is vague, and, just like free will itself, admits of a variety of interpretations. Because of this vagueness, the usefulness of the concept of free will is questioned by some. We can ask several logically independent questions about free will. There are also many instances of free will being executed. When Balthasar tells Romeo that he saw Juliet being placed in the Capulet’s monument he screams out ï ¿ ½... Free Essays on Romeo And Juliet Fate Vs. Free Will Free Essays on Romeo And Juliet Fate Vs. Free Will A large part of the beliefs for both Romeo and Juliet involve fate. They believed in the stars, and that their actions weren’t always their own. For example, â€Å"I am fortunes fool ( 794)†. Romeo cries out these words when the full impact of what he has just done and the consequences of his actions hit him. His secret marriage to Juliet of the Capulet family, his own families’ sworn enemy, had earlier prevented him from accepting the challenge of a fight made by Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin. Romeo’s friend Mercutio cannot stand by and watch Tybalt degrade Romeo, and so he takes up the sword, but is fatally wounded. When Romeo sees Mercutio dead he then fights Tybalt, he ends up killing him. It is when Tybalt falls dead that Romeo realizes what he has done. He also knows he will now be executed by the prince, who had said that there would be no more fights between the Capulets and Montagues. Romeo, for example, page 755, he says, â€Å"Some consequence yet hanging in the stars†¦by some vile forfeit of untimely death. But he that hath the steerage over my course Direct my sail.† He’s basically saying to his friends that he had a dream which leads him to believe that he will die young because of something in the stars, something that will happen. He ends with â€Å"†¦he that hath steerage over my course†¦Ã¢â‚¬  which implies that he does not have control. Free will is the â€Å"philosophical doctrine† that our choices are, ultimately, "up to us". Consequently, an un-free action must be somehow "up to" something else. The phrase "up to us" is vague, and, just like free will itself, admits of a variety of interpretations. Because of this vagueness, the usefulness of the concept of free will is questioned by some. We can ask several logically independent questions about free will. There are also many instances of free will being executed. When Balthasar tells Romeo that he saw Juliet being placed in the Capulet’s monument he screams out ï ¿ ½...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Gamble House Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Gamble House - Essay Example The house was later donated to the City of Pasadena in collaboration with the University of Southern California. The University Of Southern California School Of Architecture currently controls the preservation and entailed programs in the house. It became a National Historic Landmark in the year 1978 (Arntzenius & Linda, 59). The gambles bought a building site 4 Westmoreland region in an area called "Little Switzerland† that overlooks the picturesque Arroyo. This region was a prospering art colony in 1890 that had been propagated with the shift in arts and crafts shift. The gambles selected a site having rustic setting, excellent and also unpretentious site neglecting highly fashionable millionaire’s sites. Westmoreland Place was as still a quiet street that the family had chosen for the retirement home. Awarding of the contract to Greene and Greene was prompted by the previous architectural design they had undertaken in Little Switzerland. The Greene and Greene had a flair for proper design, profound knowledge of materials selection and ample ability to gauge the customers’ requirements with respect to furnishings and consequent decorations procedure entailed. The design had Douglas fir frame and subsequent boards enclosed or covered in 36-inch redwood (Arntzenius & Linda, 87). This covering provided insulation from regional Pasadena heat. The house has a Chinese lift design that recurs on the window mullions and along the included furniture. It has original Sarouk rugs decorating the polished wooden floor and also leaded art glass entry doors. The doors were designed by Charles Green and subsequently crafted by Los Angeles master craftsman Emil Lange. The design has entailed gnarled California live oak similar to the currently designs protected by Arroyo Seco. The door design has entrenched capacity that provides cross ventilation enabled by the inclusion of double doors of the Burma teak-paneled hall. This section abutted the ornamental garden pond and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Marketing Plan for Goal Zero Company Case Study

Marketing Plan for Goal Zero Company - Case Study Example One of the essential things that need to be included in the marketing plan of any small business is the establishment of a concise understanding of its customers and competitors. When a business understands the different features of its customers, it is in a better position to create products and services that appeal to their needs. Additionally, the methods developed in the execution of the marketing plan are those that are in tandem with customer features as outlined (Miller 34). In this understanding, the marketing plan, therefore, can be regarded as a single tool that can enhance business performance and success for every business irrespective of the goods and services being developed and sold. This paper presents a marketing plan for a new product that has been manufactured by Goal Zero Company Goal Zero company began in 2007 with the main aim of empowering people and releasing them from poverty and other socio-economic challenges; later, in 2009, it was registered as a business under the name Goal Zero (Goal Zero 2015). In this development, the company had three main objectives; first, it was involved in the development and selling of various solar energy products and services. Secondly, it was also registered to provide assistance especially during times of natural disasters. The company’s commitment to poverty eradication was to be done in most of the developing countries, most of whom are faced with a limitation in resources needed to manage various socio-economic activities of life. The company’s main mission, as pointed out was empowering people in order to tap into their potential and improve their welfare in their societies. The company looks forward to helping people understand their potential and work it out in order to enhance their sustainable future and families. By making this empowerment, people can begin seeing a difference in their lives, enabling them to do things that they could not have managed.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Issues in Corporate finance group coursework Essay

Issues in Corporate finance group coursework - Essay Example This implies that managers of modern corporations are judged by the level of the financial strategies they undertake in improving the commercial interests of the investors. In measuring the effectiveness of the financial strategies undertaken by the management, financial reviews of asset utilisation, dividend payout, profitability, solvency level, and liquidity are undertaken. This range of financial measures helps in demonstrating the attractiveness of given corporations in enhancing the wealth maximization of the investors. This is because the measures help in predicting the potential of the various firms in surviving and remaining profitable in the market to increase the wealth of the investors. This paper reviews the financial strategies undertaken in four public traded companies across different markets globally. The four corporations reviewed include 21Vianet Group Incorporation from China, Microsoft Corporation from America, Pearson Corporation from United Kingdom and Abakanva gonmash from the Russian market. Furthermore, the paper has undertaken a fundamental analysis of the effectiveness of the financial strategies that have been undertaken by the management of the various corporations reviewed in the research project. In financing their asset acquisition, the various corporations employ diverse financing strategies as illustrated in the table below. The financing of the capital structure of the various corporations is made up of debt and equity. 2013 financial year results have been employed in calculating the debt and equity proportion of the four firms. The computations undertaken above implies majority of the corporations been analyzed employ equity in financing their asset acquisition. Only 21Vianet Group Incorporation employs debt financing more than equity as illustrated above. The four companies analyzed in this project research have undertaken significant

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Relationship Between The Big Five Personality Psychology Essay

The Relationship Between The Big Five Personality Psychology Essay Personality traits as the characteristics of a person with consistent patterns of behaviour are undoubtedly playing a significant role in determining a students success in pursuing his or her tertiary education. Therefore, this research aims to investigate and examine the effects of personality traits on the students performance in UTAR Kampar Campus, Perak, Malaysia. As proposed by Costa and McCrae (1992), the Big-Five Personality Traits model has been used in this study whereby the model categorizes humans personality into five factors, namely the Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Openness to Experience, Extraversion, and lastly Neuroticism. Target population for this research is approximately 408 students and a questionnaire encompassing 3 sections was presented to the respondents. The study subjects were 200 accounting students in UTAR Kampar Campus. For data analysis, the Pearson Correlation Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis are adopted to determine the relationships bet ween the variables. Overall, completion of this study will provide a guideline as to which traits would be favourable for students to harness so as to achieve better results in tertiary education. Lastly, this study also confirmed the validity and reliability of the Big-Five Personality Traits model as proposed by Costa and McCrae (1992). CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction This chapter gives a general idea of this research, where it comprises of seven sections. The research background briefly explains what are personality and students performance. The problem statement is addressed in the second section. Research objectives and research questions are also highlighted in this chapter and lastly, significance of the study, outline of chapter, and conclusion is followed by. 1.1 Research Background When someone talks about students performance, what is it actually refers to? Past studies broadly defined students performance as a pedagogical terminology used to determine learners achievement in formal education while to measure a students performance is only by examinations (Tope, 2011). Apparently, it gives rise to the question of whether what is the definite measurement of it? Is examination the only way to measure a students performance? Does the employers nowadays only concern about students academic achievement? While most employers actually view that way, it would be unfair to only compare a persons past achievement in a sole aspect. Nonetheless, some employers nowadays are different whereby they perceive that a successful student should include academic success, secured position in career field, and ability to apply knowledge and skills in real life (Dean, 1998). Therefore, quantitative measurement such as Grade Point Average (GPA) may not be the only factor to determine a students performance whereby other qualities such as communication skills, leadership, and team performance should also be considered (Sansgiry, Bhosle Sail, 2006). Due to aggressive competitions in business world, employers demand higher requirements in fresh graduates (Maurin, Thesmar Thoenig, 2002; Koda, Yuki Hong, 2011). The criterion includes time management, teamwork and leadership ability (Weligamage Siengthai, 2003). Students possessing such skills are definitely in a better position of securing job opportunities. Therefore, higher attention should be placed on graduate students personality as it affects their employability which in turn influences unemployment rates in Malaysia (Ismail, 2011). On the contrary, when people talks about human personality, what is the first thought that comes into your mind? Most people think that it is the different attitudes or habits that each individual possess. This is known as the individual differences or national characters that differentiate people (Mooradian Swan, 2006). Previous studies clarified that there indeed exist differences in individuals attitude from different countries (Lynn Martin, 1994). A simple example of this is where some people would tend to be more sociable and talkative, and some would be the exact opposite (Wilt Revelle, 2008). Such difference would somehow cause different outcomes in ones education with their future career at stake. While it is difficult to completely define the term personality, Pervins study defined it as the characteristics of a person with consistent patterns of behavior (Saleem, Beaudry Croteau, 2011). Apart from that, recent studies presented that personalities can be branched out to other perspectives such as the biological model of the Big-Five personality traits (DeYoung, Hirsh, Shane, Papademetris, Rajeevan Gray, 2010), and the Dark Triad personality traits (Jonason, Webster, Schmitt, Li Crysel, 2012). Personality is becoming an important factor in various situations (Caspi, Roberts Shiner, 2005) where at working place, a right personality allow workers to interact well with colleagues and clients thus expanding their network span; at university, students are more sociable thus studies in a comfortable environment (Bester, 2007). Furthermore, many human-made issues and criminal cases can be related to the decline in ones personality, in other words, lacks of Personality Development (PoliÃ…Â ¡enskà ½, 2006). Then, Jinnie (2011) stated that a person with good personality will enhance his or her communication skills and anger management. Meanwhile, in managements perspective, a positive personality will aid in clearing workers negative conditioning, anxiety, and depressions in solving problems (Morton, 2011; Brunello Schlotter, 2011). Therefore, personality is an important determinant of career choice (Holland, 1976). In relation to students performance at school or university, prior studies have identified the five personalities that affect students behavior where this in turn affects their performances. In this case, the Big-Five personality model is an effective way to predict an individuals behavior as it has been widely used and proved to be convincing (Noftle Shaver, 2006; Robbins, 2007). 1.2 Problem Statement Students performance has been a questionable factor on the employability of fresh graduates and how well are they satisfying the qualities that the employers looking for (Marshall, 2010). According to Department of Statistic in Malaysia, unemployment rate among fresh graduates has been rising from 2.6% in 1996 to 3.1% in 2011. The Prime Minister of Malaysia also indicated that the highly skilled workforce in 2010 is only 23% where this percentage is still far from the minimum requirement, compared with some of the developing countries (Ramakrishnan Yasin, 2011). In the past decade, there are various studies being carried out by the researchers to examine the effect of students performances using the Big-Five personality traits. Gray and Watson (2002) investigated the connections between personalities and sleep that have the combined effects on students academic outcomes in United States. According to Komarraju, Karau and Schmeck (2009), personality traits are important to improve students self-motivation in attaining higher academic honors. Besides, a study in Iran investigated that students distinct characteristic and personality is one of the variables that affect their academic achievement (Hakimi, Hejazi Lavasani, 2011). On the other hand, Taher, Chen and Yao (2011) studied the relationship between MBA students performance and their personality traits whereas Kalshoven, Hartog and Hoogh (2010) carried out a study on individual leadership skill and used only three out of five of the big-five personality traits (conscientiousness, agreeab leness, and emotional stability). However, there are still some deficiencies in the past empirical researches. The study in Gray and Watson (2002) only focuses on the universitys students in their country, therefore no firm explanations that the results of the past research are valid in Malaysia. Besides, Komarraju et al. (2009) pointed out that the personality of the students is being influenced by the environment as the research was conducted in various universities. In addition, Hakimi et al. (2011)s study is very limited due to the area of research were not conducted in Asia. This indicates that little study has been done on the students in Malaysia. Moreover, the study of Taher et al. (2011) also ignored the other aspects of students performance other than their scores and grades. Lastly, Kalshoven et al. (2010) did not include all of the Big-Five factors of personality traits in their research and this implies that the researchs results and measurements of personality traits may not be accurate. Therefore, this research is carried out to fill the gaps of past researches by investigating the personality traits as the one of the important factors that affects the several aspects of university students performance in Malaysia. 1.3 Research Objectives and Research Questions Table 1.1: Research Objectives and Research Questions Research Objectives Research Questions General Objective In general, this research aims to investigate and examine the relationship of personality traits on the students performance in UTAR. General Question Do personality traits relate to the students performance in UTAR? Specific Objectives To examine the relationship between conscientiousness and students performance in UTAR. To examine the relationship between agreeableness and students performance in UTAR. To examine the relationship between openness to experience and students performance in UTAR. To examine the relationship between extraversion and students performance in UTAR. To examine the relationship between neuroticism and students performance in UTAR. Specific Questions Is there any relationship between conscientiousness and students performance in UTAR? Is there any relationship between agreeableness and students performance in UTAR? Is there any relationship between openness to experience and students performance in UTAR? Is there any relationship between extraversion and students performance in UTAR? Is there any relationship between neuroticism and students performance in UTAR? Source: Developed for the research 1.4 Significance of the Study 1.4.1 Theoretical Perspective From an educational perspective, this research can serve as a basic guideline for future researchers as it is a modified research model in terms of measuring students performance qualitatively. This research also confirmed the previous theory of Five Factor Model of personality traits by Costa and McCrae (1992), thus adding credibility towards the theory. 1.4.2 Practical Perspective From country-wide perspective, students, as the citizens of Malaysia, developing their personality and improving their performance would boost overall capability and reduces unemployment rates in Malaysia as more students will be employed. From the industry perspective, findings from this research may contribute to the employer by providing the basic information on which type of employees personality is preferable. Although it may not be of huge importance, employers should not overlook this aspect in recruitment as employees with great personality will definitely enhance the organizations intellectual use of available human resources. 1.5 Chapter Layout Chapter One covers the introduction of this research which includes research background, problem statement, research objectives and questions, and lastly the significance of this study. Chapter Two explores the core theories by reviewing literatures of past empirical studies and developing theoretical framework and hypotheses. Chapter Three explains the research methodology adopted whereby it includes the research design, population and sampling procedures, data collection and analysis techniques, and variables and measurements. Chapter Four presents the analyzed data and results from the target respondents detailed in descriptive and inferential analysis, and scale measurements. Chapter Five briefly concludes this research as it summarizes the findings from this research and also providing implications, limitations, and recommendations for this research. 1.6 Conclusion This chapter has acknowledged the problem statement, research questions and objectives, significance of the study and the outline of the research project. In Chapter Two, it would then provide the relevant literature review. CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction The previous chapter has highlighted the introduction of this research project. This chapter will touch on the literature review of the research. Literature review provides a comprehensive review on the secondary sources of data done by previous authors or researchers such as books, journal articles, thesis papers, research projects, and reports. This chapter embodies five sections. Firstly, Section 2.1 is the review of literature whilst Section 2.2 reviews the prior empirical studies. Then, Section 2.3 shows the proposed theoretical conceptual framework. After that, Section 2.4 is the development of hypotheses. Lastly, Section 2.5 summarizes this chapter to provide a general understanding to the readers. 2.1 Review of the Literature Based on the prior researches, it has been widely accepted that the Big Five Personality Traits by McCrae and Costa (1992), and Digman (1990) can determine ones individual characteristics (Moghaddam, Peyvandi Wang, 2009). In this part, this research will define and explain thoroughly each of these traits to provide for the development of hypotheses for this research and lastly, relating each of them with the students performance. 2.1.1 Conscientiousness Conscientiousness is defined by John and Srivastava (1999) as individual differences in the propensity to be goal directed (Savelyev, 2012). According to Barrick and Mount (1991), traits of conscientiousness includes being dependable, responsible, and organized (Trinh, 2002). More specifically, individual who is measured as high in conscientiousness is determined and strong-willed (Bruck Allen, 2002). 2.1.2 Agreeableness According to Nettle and Liddle (2008), Digmans and Grazianos study suggested that agreeableness is associated to a persons warmth, friendliness and conformance with others. It is also supported by Janss and Rabinowitzs study where traits of agreeableness include unselfishness, friendliness and modesty (Bozionelos, 2003). Thus, people who is high in agreeableness is likely to get along well with others (Judge, Livingston, Hurst, 2011). 2.1.3 Openness to Experience Yamagatas study defined openness to experience as people who are intellectually curious (McCrae Sutin 2009) and individuals who are measured high in openness are curious for inner and outer world (Bruck Allen, 2002). Conversely, low in openness to experience usually have a narrow and common interest and likes to enjoy routine activities (Flynn, 2005). 2.1.4 Extraversion Traits of extraversion can be represented by sociability, assertiveness, and social dominance (Bozionelos, 2003). Judges and Wastsons study also supported that viewpoint as it refers extraversion to sociability (Chan, 2007). In other words, it is a tendency to search for stimulation and to enjoy mingling with other people. 2.1.5 Neuroticism Defined as a tendency to experience unpleasant emotions easily, neuroticism continuum ranges from calm and composed to nervous and anxious (Greenberg Baron, 2008). Eysenck (1967) defines that neuroticism accounts for a low tolerance for stress (Norris, Larsen Cacioppo, 2007). In other words, neurotic people respond poorly to environmental stress, and often interpret ordinary and minor situations as threatening and difficult (Hettema, Neale, Myers, Prescott Kendler, 2006). 2.1.6 The Relationship between the Big-Five Personality Traits and Students Performance Chamorro-Premuzic and Furnham (2003) indicated that conscientiousness has a strong direct positive relationship with students academic performance and this is also supported by many existing literatures (Conrad, 2006; Zyphur, Bradley, Landia Thoresen, 2008). However, some showed otherwise as a mediating factor exist (Conrad Patry, 2012). The trait is also able to influence a persons behavior which in turn affects their academic behaviors such as self-efficacy and learning styles (Bong, 2008). Additionally, Laidra, Pullmann and Allik (2006) studied the relationship of personality traits and general intelligence with the students academic performances. The study showed that Conscientiousness has a positive association with academic performance. H1: There is a positive relationship between conscientiousness and students performance. Farsides and Woodfield (2003) indicated that agreeableness is negatively correlated with absence for classes. Furthermore, high attendance in classes and seminars has a positive contribution on students performance (Arulampalam, Naylor Smith, 2008). Nevertheless, Nyugen, Allen Fraccastoro (2005) proposed that there was indirect relationship between agreeableness and students performance as the learning style is the mediating factor (Chamillard Sward, 2005). Students with this trait are able to interact and learn well with others especially in groups; thus, agreeableness also enhanced team cohesion which in turn affected their performance positively (Oneill Kline, 2008). Thus, agreeableness is positively correlated with students performance (Taher Jin, 2011). H2: There is a positive relationship between agreeableness and students performance. Duff, Boyle, Dunleavy and Ferguson (2003) revealed that openness has positive effects on learning approach (deep approach) and such approach is positively related to students performance. Learning approach plays an important role in linking the Big-Five traits with students performance (Cano Berben, 2009; Chamorro-Premuzic et al., 2006). This is further supported by Chamorro-Premuzic, Furnham and Lewis (2006). Furthermore, Furnham, Monsen and Ahmetoglu (2009) proposed that openness had significant relationship with students performance provided the mediator is deep approach. H3: There is a positive relationship between openness to experience and students performance. According to Furnham, Zhang and Chamorro-Premuzic (2006), extraversion can be recognized as a persons interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. Furthermore, extraversion is made up of two central components; affiliation which was having warm personal relationship and agency which was being socially dominant (Bono, 2004). In addition, the most common definitions of extraversion are ascendance and sociability (Mooradian Swan, 2006). Therefore, extraverted individual are more likely to have a desire to work with others and more confident in their ability to work effectively within a team structure. It is essential when an individual is joining a group study and will enhance student performance (Morgeson, Reider, Campion, 2005). In spite of this, students with high extravert personality prefer to be sociable and active in extra-curricular activities rather than focusing on their studies. Thus, students performance would be adversely affected. Chamorro-Premuzic and Furnham (2003) research ed on the relationship of personality traits and students academic performance at University College London and as a result, extraversion was negatively related with students academic performance. H4: There is a negative relationship between extraversion and students performance. Neuroticism may affect a persons ability resulting in poorer academic performance (Chamorro-Premuzic Furnham, 2006; Lievens, Ones Dilchert, 2009). As cited under Ahmad and Rana (2012), many neurotic students suffered higher percentage of failures in examinations because this trait shifts the students concentration away from study due to negative emotions. On the other hand, students who obtained high grades were less associated with anxious emotions (Al-Qaisy Khuffash, 2012; Al-Qaisy, 2011), this suggested students with high grades are good in managing their stress. Nevertheless, Poropat (2011) conducted a research about the use of personality in predicting academic performance and proved that there is significant negative correlation between neuroticism and academic performance. H5: There is a negative relationship between neuroticism and students performance. 2.2 Review of Relevant Theoretical Models 2.2.1 The Big-Five Personality The earliest founders of The Big-Five Theory are Tupes and Christal (1961) as they established the five factors of personality traits that we know today (Busato, Prins, Elshout Hamaker, 1999). Unfortunately, their study was published in an obscure Air-Force publication that was not read by many people, therefore the theory was not widely-known at that time (Locklair, 2011). According to Goldberg (1993), other early explorers of The Big-Five include Borgatta (1964) and Smith (1967) who continued the founders work. The first version of this theory is called  The Big-Five, introduced by  Warren Norman in 1963 (Boeree, 2006). The Big-Five Personality Traits is a comprehensive research which analyzes human personality together with their traits (Digman, 1990). Particularly, a five-dimensional personality traits model is proposed by McCrae and Costa (1992) after studying on the Five-Factor Model (FFM) and its applications. To further understanding humans personality, this study categorized humans personality into five main factors, namely the Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Openness to Experience, Extraversion, and Neuroticism. FFM model dominated the personality field over the past two decades due to its famous recognition as a comprehensive description of personality traits and provided a major degree of convergence in the trait-factor analytic psychology (Nikolaou Robertson, 2001). This study has come across many researches about the Big-Five personality model. Thus, it shows that this model can be used in many areas as it gives us the fasters and accurate way to identify a persons attitudes and behaviors (Pickens, 2005). However, the Big-Five personality model has also been discovered to have effects on social or friendship networking behavior (Wehrli, 2008); in addition that it is also a good predictor for employees job performance (Hurtz Donovan, 2000; Fietze, Holst Tobsch, 2010). Nevertheless, this model can also be applied to almost everyone in this world every individual possess all five personalities of the model to a greater or lesser extent (Soto, Gosling, John, Potter, 2011). Apart from that, the Big-Five model is also applied to the research done by Distel, Trull, Willemsen, Vink, Derom, Iynskey, Martin and Boomsma (2009); studying the five personality traits and nature of personality disorders. Furthermore, in the aspect of employment, studies on the five personalities are also conducted relating to executive mangers job recruitment and fresh graduates (Dykeman Dykeman, 1996). The Big-Five includes Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Openness to Experience, Extraversion, and Neuroticism. As there are many personality-related-researches also utilized this Big-Five model, this study exploit this advantage and uses this model to give us the faster and accurate way to identify a persons attitudes and behaviors (Kumar, Bakhshi Rani, 2009). Hence, this theory will be applied in this research as it is a widely-used theory in evaluating peoples personality (Brown Taylor, 2011; Wood, Linley, Maltby, Baliousis Joseph, 2008). 2.3 Proposed Theoretical/ Conceptual Framework Figure 2.1: Relationship between the Big Five Personality Traits to Students Performance Big 5 Personality Traits Independent Variables Dependent Variable Conscientiousness H1 H2 Agreeableness H3 Students Performance Openness to Experience H4 H5 Extraversion Neuroticism Sources: adapted from Taher et al., 2011; Anwar, Shahzed Ijaz-ul-Rehman, 2011; Chen, Tsai Chen, 2009 Based on the literature review, a conceptual framework has been developed and shown in Figure 2.1. This research is conducted to test the relationship between the independent variables and dependent variable. Whereby, independent variables comprises of conscientiousness, agreeableness, openness to experience, extraversion and neuroticism, whilst dependent variable is students performance. Previous researches (Nguyen, Allen Fraccastoro, 2005; Chowdhury, 2006) showed that the five factors have produced distinct results. From the proposed conceptual framework, hypotheses will be developed and it is to be proven after completion of a thorough empirical study investigating whether personality traits are related to students performance. 2.4 Hypotheses Development Based on the review of the prior empirical studies discussed at 2.1.6, a summary of the hypotheses development is presented as below. Table 2.1: Development of Hypotheses Personality Traits Hypotheses Conscientiousness H1: There is a positive relationship between conscientiousness and students performance. Agreeableness H2: There is a positive relationship between agreeableness and students performance. Openness to experience H3: There is a positive relationship between openness to experience and students performance. Extraversion H4: There is a negative relationship between extraversion and students performance. Neuroticism H5: There is a negative relationship between neuroticism and students performance. Source: Developed for the research 2.5 Conclusion A review of literature has been carried out in this chapter and it has been discovered that there are different opinions from researchers regarding the relationship between the Big-Five Personality traits with students performance. Besides, an understanding on the Big-Five Personality traits has been done for a clear explanation and how can it be associated with students performance. Then, a conceptual framework has been proposed to show the relationship between each trait with students performance. Finally, hypotheses have been developed based on the literatures reviewed and the discussion for relevant methods to be used in this study will be conducted in the following chapter. CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 3.0 Introduction This chapter will address an overview of the research methodology. At the beginning of this chapter, the research design in term of quantity methodology and deductive research approach will be described. Next, the population, sample and sampling procedures would be explained. After that, data collection methods that have been applied which are primary and secondary data collection are discussed. In addition, variable and measurement were also being presented in this chapter. Lastly, data processing and its analysis would be presented to summarize the findings. 3.1 Research Design The main purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between Big-Five Personality Traits and students performance in UTAR. Primary data collection and survey method were used in this research in which questionnaires will be self-administered because it is affordable and time saving. Based on the purpose of this study, a deductive research approach was adopted. Besides that, a quantitative methodology was employed because it clearly and precisely specifies both variables of the study (Alaxei, 2002). Moreover, this type of research is a descriptive study because it describes and documents on a phenomenon (Johnson, 2001). The research is based on a cross-sectional study due to the time constraint by academic purposes. Hence, investigation was limited to a subset of population only. 3.2 Data Collection Methods 3.2.1 Primary Data Collection For this research, a self-administrated questionnaire is preferred because it provides convenience to both the researchers and respondents. As an effort to establish the validity and reliability of the survey questionnaire, a total of 30 questionnaires were distributed for a pilot test to check the questionnaires understandability (Black, 2008). After that, questionnaires were distributed to 270 respondents whereby they are expected to complete it under researchers supervisory within twenty minutes and returned to ensure no missing questionnaires. 3.2.2 Secondary Data Collection Secondary data collection involves the literatures review on related past studies (Daas Toth, 2012). This method is vital because relying on primary data collection is not adequate to complete this research (Sandall, Schwartz Lacroix, 2004). Besides, review on literatures also allows the researchers a better understanding on the topic and able to prove the hypotheses developed earlier (Bailey, 2006). 3.3 Sampling Design 3.3.1 Target Population Target population is a complete collection group of objects or people that are specifically identified for an investigation (Wang, 2007). Final year accounting undergraduates in UTAR, Kampar Campus were the target respondents for this research as there is no personality-related study addressing the wide aspects of students performance carried out in this university, hence this university is targeted to examine the relationships between the five factor model of personality traits and students performance. Previous personality-related researches only studied the relationships between personality and perceived benefits on e-ticketing behaviour, and also personality and social networking behavior. Undergraduate students tend to have a higher proficiency in English language, thus they would understand this researchs survey better. Moreover, another reason is that labor market is new to fresh accounting graduate as they will be joining the labor force soon and thus it is emerging trend for the employers to seek high performances, vital interpersonal skills and personality development among the undergraduates (Lim, 2011; Sirat, Chan, Shuib, Rahman, Kamil, Singh, 2012). Besides, Lim (2007) found out that the accounting students in Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) would have higher unemployment probability. This highlights that there might be a chance of UTAR accounting students facing the same problem since the competition for best and talented accounting graduates is getting more intense especially in large accounting firm (Brundy Norris, 2011). Therefore, it is interested to investigate the connection between personality traits and students performance in which will affects their employability in future. 3.3.2 Sampling Frame and Sampling Location According to Thompson (1999), sampling is necessary as it is too expensive and impractical to study on every single element in the population. However, sampling frame for this research could not be obtained as the students full details cannot be disclosed due to the universitys privacy policy. Final year accounting undergraduates in UTAR, Kampar Campus were the target respondents for this research because it is convenient and easier to be contacted for researchers (Loh, 2011). The popu

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A Moral Basis for the Helping Professions Essay -- Employment Careers

Our consideration of moral issues in the helping professions should go beyond decision-making in particular cases. We need a more basic set of moral attitudes that can provide the context for making these decisions, and which describe the sort of person the helping professional needs to be. The helping professional needs to be able to perform a large number of supererogatory actions. We can compare helping professionals to both saints and good parents. The work of Sarah Ruddick on the virtues that inform maternal practice can be of great help to us here. She characterizes the kind of emotional and moral attitudes that exemplify good mothers as preservative love. The attitudes that make up preservative love-humility, attentive love, holding and humor-share some common ground with the qualities of saints. The helping professional is in an unusual position in the sense that who he/she is has a strong influence on the efficacy of treatment. Morality in the helping professions needs to ta ke this into account. To be a good helping professional involves a commitment to develop into the right sort of person. The issue of morality in the helping professions is much discussed at present. Most recently, it has come up in connection with issues involving the abuse of trust in relationships of unequal psychological and emotional power. It is a good thing to raise these issues. From the clergy accused of abusing young people to therapists taking advantage of their positions to sexually or emotionally abuse their clients, actions which were formerly concealed through the vulnerability of the client and the authority of the professional need no longer be kept secret. However, this, along with issues such as involuntary incarceration and the u... ...ehavior are not immediately accessible to the will. To become a person capable of preservative love requires a strong desire to do so and a willingness to do what is necessary to develop into the sort of person who can manifest preservative love. We cannot become unselfish, humble and attentive in the same way that we can decide to follow a moral rule. We require both education in virtue and transforming self-knowledge. Notes (1) Sarah Ruddick, "Maternal Thinking" in Mothering: Essays in Feminist Theory, ed. Joyce Trebilcot ( Rowan and Allanheld, Totowa, New Jersey, 1983) p. 240. (2) Ruddick, op.cit., p.213 (3) Ruddick, op.cit., p. 217 (4) Ruddick, op.cit., p. 223 (5) See Bonnelle Strickling, "Self-Abnegation" in Feminist Perspectives: Philosopohical Essays on Method and Morals, ed. L. Code, S. Mullet and C. Overall (University of Toronto, 1983).