Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Mahatma Gandhi The British Rule Of India - 2346 Words

Mohandas Karmchand Gandhi was born during the British rule in India on October 2, 1869. Gandhi in the year of 1888 was sent to England to pursue law, where he developed interest in the philosophy of nonviolence as expressed in the holy Bhagawad Gita, a scared text of Hindu scriptures. However after passing the bar, he found little accomplishment in his attempt to practice law in India, which is when he accepted a position in South Africa, where he assisted on a lawsuit. (Mohandas Gandhi, 2015) In South Africa, he involved himself in an attempt to end discrimination against the minority Indians residing there. During this course, he developed â€Å"satyagarha†, which translates into â€Å"soul force†, or an approach of non-violence resistance, against the British governments in South Africa. In the years following the World War I, Gandhi became a leading figure in India for his struggle to achieve independent from the mighty British rule. His willingness to tolerate the punishments and the prison confinement earned him the title of â€Å" Mahatama†, a â€Å"great soul† in India in 1914. (Mohandas Gandhi, 2015) Gandhi was also majorly known for his ascetic lifestyle and he regularly dressed himself in a loincloth and shawl. He was imprisoned several times during his pursuit of non-violence. For instance, in the year of 1914 when the British gunned down the peaceful Indian protesters, Gandhi and the citizens of India realized the need for self-rule, which is when Gandhi in the early 20s, organizedShow MoreRelatedMahatma Gandhi Essay986 Words   |  4 PagesMahatma Gandhi Mohandas Gandhi, known as Mahatma Gandhi. Also known as Mahatma the great soul, was the father of modern India. He originally came from Western India, a city called Porbandar. He was born on 2nd October 1869. Gandhi was on of the youngest of the three sons of Karamchand Gandhi, who was a Prime Minister successively in Porbandar, Rajkot and Vankaner States. 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